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Praise Signers Ministries


The sole purpose of the TBCC Praise Signers is to reach others for

Christ, children and adults, hearing and non-hearing, sharing God’s word

and His love through praise and worship.

Giving glory and honor to God using our hands and “silent” praise;

touching the lives of some who may not otherwise have witnessed the


On campus: Uplifting and edifying the body of Christ, bringing the joy of

ministering a message of good will and love for God and our Lord Jesus







American Sign Language



Quarterly Ministries

TBCC worship service 

Mother’s Day 

Mass Choir Anniversary 

Youth Anniversary 

Christmas at Sunrise


Adult Signers – Rehearsals are held each Sunday (10:30 a.m.)

and/or immediately following worship service as needed, starting the

month prior to the event.

Youth Signers – Rehearsals are held each Sunday immediately

following worship service, starting the month prior to the event.


What Love Is This?
I Know My Redeemer Lives
Someone Worth Dying For
Scroll to 21m 8s
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